Don’t miss the PRHA 2021 Convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 13 to 15, 2021
at the Sheraton Hotel & Casino in the Convention District of San Juan, Puerto Rico!

Engineering (ENERGY), Requirements for medical gas systems compliance / Recent Advances in engineering at VA Hospitals

Sales price: $75.00

These conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 8, 2014.

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm - Concurrent Sessions - Session III

Conference: Engineering (ENERGY) Requirements for medical gas systems compliance

Leader: Sandra Soria

Conference: Recent Advances in engineering at VA Hospitals

Speaker: Ing. Jaime E. Marrero, Chief FM, VAMC

Room: Bahía II

Credits: 1.5 ($50.00 per member credit = $75.00)