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Don’t miss the PRHA 2022 Convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 20 & 21, 2022
at the Sheraton Hotel & Casino in the Convention District of San Juan, Puerto Rico!
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Tax Update / Potential risks of Transition to the Electronic Health Record
Malpractice Update / The Two Midnight rule impact and dealing with denials
Medical Tourism – In Puerto Rico Experience so far / Potential Opportunities in the Emerging Market of Latin America for our Health Industry
Crisis Management and effective communication with the media
Human Resources: Latest Trends and Management Resources
Engineering (ENERGY), Requirements for medical gas systems compliance / Recent Advances in engineering at VA Hospitals
Social Media: What and why is it relevant for the Industry? / Social Revolution in Healthcare
Human Resources: The perspectives from different types of Hospitals
Best Practices Competition / Community Partnerships to Re-admissions, Lower Cost and Improve Quality
Criteria to Qualify as Medical-Home Program
Federal Legislation Update
Technology and Analytical needs to Support Cost Quality and Outcome
Reorganizing the Management Structures (Off Shift)
Healthcare Quality Improvement Act: Fórmula para el manejo adecuado de acciones adversas contra miembros de la Facultad
CMS Demonstrative Project on Bundled Payment Methodology
Electronic Medical Record
Design for Patient Dignity
The Healthcare Landscape: Change is Upon Us-Are You Ready?
Telemedicine: Stroke
Medicare DSH Revenue Management Strategies For Puerto Rico Hospitals post ACA
Lessons learned from Disney in running a hospital
Risk Capability and the Hard Work of Healthcare Transformation
Medical Residency Crisis: Caos or Opportunity?
Obamacare Update
Contracts Management in Health Care Entities
Current Infectious Diseases in Puerto Rico
Hospital Acquired Infections (Updated)
Infectious Diseases- New Tendencies Throughout the World
Tomorrow’s Risk Management Today